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Ontwerpoplossingen op maat

Jouw verhaal verdient een eigen gezicht online. Of je nu kiest voor een kant-en-klaar ontwerp of een volledig unieke website - wij hebben de tools om jouw culturele merk te laten stralen. En dat allemaal binnen jouw mogelijkheden en budget.One Further, CultureSuite customers get exclusive access to professional training that helps you maximise your digital presence.
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£200/year £250/year Save 20%
Graphic image illustrating a sample of Peppered websites

Geef je merk energie

Net zoals Peppered CMS je digitale activiteiten stroomlijnt, zorgen onze ontwerpopties ervoor dat uw website echt uw organisatie vertegenwoordigt.




Built around real cultural sector examples

Available Courses

Campaign tracking with Google Analytics 4
Good data is the way to know if your campaigns are working. This course will show you how to check and fix your campaign tracking, and it'll take less than an hour to complete.
Facebook Ads for Arts Marketers
If you create Facebook Ads for an arts or culture organisation, this course will teach you exactly what you need to know to become your team's in-house Meta expert.
YouTube Strategy for Cultural Organisations
It's easy to upload a video to YouTube. Anyone can do it. But how do you make sure it gets seen by the right people? This quick-fire course is a beginner's guide to YouTube strategy for arts professionals.
Google Tag Manager Essentials
You've probably heard of it. You may even have taken a brief look at it. Now it's time to properly understand what Google Tag Manager is for and how to use it.
Google Analytics 4 Reporting Kit
Become an analytics expert with a collection of template reports for Google Analytics 4, bundled with an online course about how to use them.
How to run a successful Google Ad Grant
Google's Ad Grant programme gives $10,000 each to non-profits and charities every month. Yet many organisations struggle to make use of the grant, missing opportunities to run effective search ads.
£200/year £250/year Save 20%

Exclusive Offer for CultureSuite Customers

One Further's Coach: All Access subscription

The All Access subscription includes:

  • Complete course catalog
  • Monthly live Q&A sessions
  • Access to webinar archive
  • Immediate access to new courses
  • Regular updates on digital best practices
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Why Choose One Further Courses?

  • Learn at your own pace
  • Access training from anywhere
  • Join monthly Q&A sessions
  • Get answers to your specific questions
  • Learn from cultural sector experts
  • Apply skills directly to your venue
Graphic image illustrating CultureSuite's style guide

Creëer je eigen look

Creëer je eigen look en feel met jouw designteam naar keuze. Wij begeleiden hen bij de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van het platform. Onze Peppered Consultants vertalen en implementeren jouw visie.
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Blijf op de hoogte

Leer van experts en vakgenoten uit de sector en blijf op de hoogte van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in technologie voor kunst en cultuur.
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“Het werken met een design bibliotheek van bouwstenen is echt een uitkomst. Je past het design van je hele website in één keer aan, supersnel en overal hetzelfde. Perfect voor klanten die hun website willen blijven vernieuwen zonder allerlei technische hoofdbrekens.”

Connor Ghost
Design Director, Chaptr