How Ticket Sharing is Revolutionising Arts Marketing
November 13, 2024

How Ticket Sharing is Revolutionising Arts Marketing

Developed with Dutch National Opera & Ballet, CultureSuite's innovative Ticket Sharing feature is transforming audience data collection and marketing capabilities for arts venues while enhancing the patron experience.

By Matt Yau

Art has always been about sharing. From ancient storytellers gathering crowds around campfires to modern-day theatregoers discussing performances over interval drinks – the magic of cultural experiences multiplies when shared with others. But in our digital age, sharing tickets hasn't always been as seamless as sharing opinions. Until now.

When community drives innovation

What happens when one of Europe's most prestigious cultural institutions faces a common challenge? In the case of Dutch National Opera & Ballet, it sparked a collaboration that would benefit the entire arts community. Together, we've crafted a solution that's as elegant as a prima ballerina's grand jeté – a Ticket Sharing feature that's transforming how venues connect with their actual audiences.

Perhaps you’ve experienced this situation before? Sarah books four tickets for an upcoming performance. She's your known patron – but what about her three friends? They're phantom audience members, invisible to your marketing efforts despite their potential interest in future shows. This 'data darkness' has long been a thorn in the side of arts marketers.

Our Ticket Sharing feature elegantly bridges this gap. It enables ticket holders to share their e-tickets via email with companions, creating a natural pathway for venues to connect with every seat holder, not just the buyer. But here's the clever part – we've designed the sharing flow to be as smooth as a well-rehearsed performance.

How does Ticketing Sharing work?

The process is beautifully simple:

  • Ticket holders spot an intuitive share button next to their e-tickets in their personal agenda
  • They can send invites to their companions with a few clicks
  • Recipients receive an email invitation to accept their ticket
  • Upon acceptance, they can either log in to their existing account or create a new one effortlessly
  • The shared ticket appears in their "Shared Tickets" section, looking and working exactly like any other ticket
Screenshot showing how Ticket Sharing looks for Patrons when using a Peppered-powered website
When Ticket sharing is active, each ticket in the personal "My Agenda" section displays a share button.

How Ticketing Sharing enables arts marketers

Here's where it gets exciting for marketers. Every accepted invitation creates a proper account with full opt-in settings. With this feature, you can:

  • Build targeted marketing campaigns based on actual attendance data
  • Understand group booking behaviours and preferences
  • Create personalised recommendations for similar performances
  • Increase repeat visits through direct communication with all attendees
  • Measure and analyse audience engagement more accurately

These aren't just names on a list – they're engaged audience members who've actively chosen to connect with your venue. It's like turning on the house lights and suddenly seeing every face in your audience clearly.

But we also understand there’s a delicate balance between accessibility and security. That's why venues can:

  • Set expiration times for sharing invitations
  • Ensure tickets are only accessible through the invited email address
  • Track the status of shared tickets
  • Maintain full GDPR compliance throughout the process
  • Prevent unauthorised ticket transfers

How one venue’s idea sparks innovation for the entire community

This is more than just a feature – it's a testament to the power of our community model. When Dutch National Opera & Ballet identified this need, their insight didn't just solve their own challenge – it created a solution available to every venue in our community. That's the beauty of collaboration: one venue's innovation becomes everyone's advantage.

Ticket Sharing isn't just about distributing access – it's about building deeper connections with every person who walks through your doors.

Want to learn more about how Ticket Sharing could transform your venue's marketing capabilities?

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“We zijn superblij met onze nieuwe website, gemaakt door After Digital met Peppered! De site past perfect bij wie we zijn en wat we doen. Dankzij de koppeling met Spektrix gaat ons evenementenbeheer nu veel makkelijker en automatischer. Bezoekers vinden de website prettig werken, op alle apparaten. Deze stap vooruit is belangrijk voor onze groei, en we zien uit naar wat we nog meer kunnen bereiken met dit nieuwe platform en onze partner Culture Suite.”

Rhys McKinnell
CEO, Pub Culture (The Fire Station)